Board Office

Learning for All Students at all Levels;

A Safe, Positive, & Respectful Environment;

And Preparation for Success in a Changing and Diverse Society

Board Members

Faculty & Staff

Board Agendas and Meeting Notices

Board Agendas

Recognition of Visitors

Time will be permitted for any resident of the Vinita Public School district to address the Board of Education on items pertaining to this agenda.  A resident wishing to address the Board of Education should complete a "Request to be Heard" card and submit to the minutes clerk, prior to the announcement of the "Recognition of Visitors".

When called upon, the speaker shall state his or her name and any organization represented.  Speakers shall be limited to 5 minutes and delegations of five or more persons shall appoint a spokesperson to present comments.  The board will not respond to questions or input from the public.

The Board encourages speakers to refrain from remarks concerning personnel matters.  These matters should be presented, in writing, to the Board and/or Superintendent for their review.

Agenda Archive

Board Policies

Additional Policies

Required Postings